Testimonial 07

"One year after the rehabilitation of the Dollard Avenue water main, the end of line purge has been decommissioned and the quality of the drinking water remains good. We are pleased with the results and we would not hesitate to recommend the Tomahawk cleaning and BluKote lining renewal methods"
Marc-André Lachance, P.Eng, Alma, Quebec

Testimonial 08

"We had brown water before the project and now it is almost perfect, 90 to 100 per cent. We would go out of town for a week and would have a brown stain in our toilet when we returned, it has been awful for years,” We are very happy now, it was well worth it.  We have lived here for 40 years."
Joan Fournier, resident on Dominique St. in Montreal following an Envirologics CELP project.

Testimonial 01

"The ability to return water service in the same day (with boil water notices) was of particular benefit to our customers
- Greg Swanson, Moline Water Division

Testimonial 02

"The Tomahawk System proved its capability to remove pre-existing, internal, bitumen coating from cast iron water mains."
Shawn Sweeney, 3M Water Infrastructure Solutions

Testimonial 03

"The Tomahawk is an effective trenchless system that quickly removes tuberculation and bitumen lining from cast iron pipes. The pipe is left clean and dry, ready for lining."
John Campbell, City of Saint John Engineering

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Optimizing Pipe Rehabilitation